Labwater DI units

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D340 Lab Water systems1 Cartridge L991012

Deioniser cartridge for use in Labwater 1.
1 in stock

D700 Lab Water systems2 DI Cartridge L991013

Deioniser cartridge for use in Labwater 2.
5 in stock

Labwater 2 With Hose & Gun L991021

Labwater 2 With Hose coil and dispensing Gun and 2 x D700 cartridges
1 in stock

Lab1 c/w Hose & Gun L991009

Labwater 1 with coil & gun

Labwater 1 deionisers L991008

Lab Water systems 1 with D340 cartridge

Labwater 2 Deioniser with Dispensing Gun L991020

Lab 2 Deioniser with Spout and 2 x D700 cartridges


The Labwater 1 & 2 are designed for the low volume infrequent user of pure water. The product is affordable and easy to use, featuring the unique Purite disposable cartridge.

MicroAnalytix NZ provides a variety of Lab water DI units products :