pH 1 Tester ECOPACK - 0,1 pH resolution, with ATC (automatic temperature compensation), fix electrode, in carton box, batteries and quick guide included
pH 1 Tester KIT - 0,1 pH resolution, with ATC (automatic temperature compensation), fix electrode, in carton case, accessories and quick guide included
pH 5 FOOD Tester ECOPACK - 0,01 pH resolution, with ATC (automatic temperature compensation), mV for electrode quality test, °C/°F, replaceable sensor, in carton box, batteries and quick guide included
pH 5 FOOD Tester KIT - 0,01 pH resolution, with ATC (automatic temperature compensation), mV for electrode quality test, °C/°F, replaceable sensor, in carton case, accessories and quick guide included
pH 5 Tester ECOPACK - 0,01 pH resolution, with ATC (automatic temperature compensation), mV for electrode quality test, °C/°F°, replaceable sensor, in carton box, batteries and quick guide included
pH 5 Tester KIT - 0,01 pH resolution, with ATC (automatic temperature compensation),mV for electrode quality test, °C/°F, replaceable sensor, in carton case, accessories and quick guide included
pH 5 Tester only BODY instrument - 0,01 pH resolution, with ATC (automatic temperature compensation), mV for electrode quality test, °C/°F without sensor, in carton case, accessories and quick guide included
pX 4 Tester KIT - 0,01 pH resolution, ORP (-1000 / + 1900 mV), mV for electrode quality test, ORP with customer calibration point, °C/°F, replaceable sensor, in carton case, accessories and quick guide included
An electronic pH meter is used to obtain more accurate pH measurements. A pH meter is an instrument used to measure hydrogen ion activity in solutions - in other words, this instrument measures acidity/alkalinity of a solution. The degree of hydrogen ion activity is ultimately expressed as pH level, which generally ranges from 1 to 14.